Synchronicity 23/4/2020

I wasn’t even channelling when this message came through this morning. In fact I was miles away, stirring my porridge. So here it is. What came through was “You have always sown seeds since you were a child and you must continue.  Do not be dismayed if the seeds do not grow.  Each seed has […]

Grounding Meditation

I am sorry this has taken a while to produce, but I have been busy for, it must be 3 weeks now, painting Den’s boat. All done now, so I can get my life back to normality!  I am the sort of person, that when I start a project, like painting the boat, it has […]

The meaning of 555

When I keep being given a sign I start to take notice. I was one of the many who probably woke up in the early hours of 8/4/2020 to watch the Super Moon in all her glory. I was blessed to receive many messages, one being the pentagram within the clouds. Well that is the […]

The Universe Provides – 10/4/2020

Well I am just overwhelmed by the kindness I have received.  I suspect the 6 eggs came from Danny Hart (seems to fit the description Jamie gave me). How he knew that I had no eggs and the Co Op had no eggs, I don’t know. But my heartfelt thanks Danny for your kind gift. […]

Keeping busy in Lockdown – 10/4/2020

Well I must say this is my first Good Friday in lockdown. Blue sky. And what beautiful temperatures to have my self imposed Retreat! And I have been so busy since last Sunday, just like the bumble bees. And that’s not just the dreams I have been having with the super energies that have been […]

Seasonal Nature Journal – April 2020

Well we are all deep in lock down. But for me, I am taking the advice of Pam Gregory, and treating this as my organised Retreat, where I can go within and take time to appreciate nature. Today, while painting the fence down by our jetty, I saw my first Red Admiral of the year. […]

I Ching Drumming – Revealing the Truth

Well, I am getting brave.  My first attempt at a video blog thanks to Dean’s help. Couldn’t have done this without his training. I have been watching Pam Gregory’s recent videos, and what she said, I felt, resonated so much with I Ching. “Essentially, the future is not yet fixed.  It’s not yet formed even.  […]

Bumble Bee

Take care when you are walking outside in this windy weather. On my way to my healing cabin this afternoon, I nearly trod on a Bumble Bee! I thought it was injured so tried to encourage it to come on to my hand. Bumble Bee wasn’t having any of it. Then I realised, Bumble Bee […]