Power of the Drum

Fabulous, but rather chilly evening yesterday when I was joined by Celia and Laura for a Firepit Drumming Session. We concentrated on drumming for healing for Laura who is going into hospital on Saturday and distant healing for Natasha (Drum Fun) who has injured her wrist. Get well Tash! It was also an opportunity for […]

New Moon energy 4/5/2019

It is amazing how suddenly everything in the garden seems to push forward with the New Moon energy. Although it’s 5/5/19 today, I will be outside in the garden this evening to celebrate the New Moon and take note of her energy, as this is part of my course work that I need to do […]

The Power of the Drum Radio Interview 1/5/2019

I still have to pinch myself. I just can’t believe that Tash (Drum Fun with Natasha) and I actually completed a radio interview with Charlie Taylor, BBC Radio Somerset last night. You can hear it on the following link. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p075yzx3 I thought our voices would show how nervous we were after discovering minutes before the […]