Thought I would share with you the power of nature. I have taken advantage of the new moon energy and on Saturday 25th I planted some more radish seeds. This is a photo of the seeds three days later on 28th. See how they are pushing the soil up, literally erupting. What power! And this […]
Month: April 2020

Blue Tit – 28/4/2020
An amazing thing happened on Saturday morning. I went into the conservatory to find a blue tit flying around. I obviously helped him out of the door. This morning, whilst reciting my positive affirmations, a blue tit landed on the railing of my bedroom balcony. About half an hour later, I am in my office […]

Nature for the Little Ones
Since we have been in lock down, I have been so pleased to hear about our children re-connecting with nature. For example, my dear friend Susan’s grand daughter has been sowing vegetables in her garden. I felt so happy to be able to pass on my knowledge to her, with regard to working with the […]

Synchronicity 23/4/2020
I wasn’t even channelling when this message came through this morning. In fact I was miles away, stirring my porridge. So here it is. What came through was “You have always sown seeds since you were a child and you must continue. Do not be dismayed if the seeds do not grow. Each seed has […]

Dark Moon Meditation 21/4/2020
This message came to me a couple of days ago, and I scribbled some notes down so I wouldn’t forget. This always seems to happen in the early hours. I was messaging a dear friend this morning, to check out how she was doing and her response just propelled me to put this all together. […]

Grounding Meditation
I am sorry this has taken a while to produce, but I have been busy for, it must be 3 weeks now, painting Den’s boat. All done now, so I can get my life back to normality! I am the sort of person, that when I start a project, like painting the boat, it has […]

The meaning of 555
When I keep being given a sign I start to take notice. I was one of the many who probably woke up in the early hours of 8/4/2020 to watch the Super Moon in all her glory. I was blessed to receive many messages, one being the pentagram within the clouds. Well that is the […]

I Ching Drumming – Healing for Ian R Crane
My dear friend Susan shared with me, a You Tube link from Thomas Sheridan. She said please can you send some healing to Ian R Crane. In the video, Thomas asks all healers out there if they would send healing to Ian as he is very ill. Well when you get a plea like that, […]

The Universe Provides – 10/4/2020
Well I am just overwhelmed by the kindness I have received. I suspect the 6 eggs came from Danny Hart (seems to fit the description Jamie gave me). How he knew that I had no eggs and the Co Op had no eggs, I don’t know. But my heartfelt thanks Danny for your kind gift. […]

Keeping busy in Lock down – Good Friday 10/4/2020
Apart from painting the boat and doing some transplanting of seedlings, I thought I would make a pudding. So I changed my “Afrikaans apple pie” recipe into an “Afrikaans lemon pie”. If it works out ok I will make another one when Paul comes over for the Easter Egg hunt (yes my 51 year old […]

Keeping busy in Lockdown – 10/4/2020
Well I must say this is my first Good Friday in lockdown. Blue sky. And what beautiful temperatures to have my self imposed Retreat! And I have been so busy since last Sunday, just like the bumble bees. And that’s not just the dreams I have been having with the super energies that have been […]

Seasonal Nature Journal – April 2020
Well we are all deep in lock down. But for me, I am taking the advice of Pam Gregory, and treating this as my organised Retreat, where I can go within and take time to appreciate nature. Today, while painting the fence down by our jetty, I saw my first Red Admiral of the year. […]

I Ching Drumming – To Protect the NHS staff
Dean, who has been helping me with my video blogs informed me yesterday, that his partner Sarah had been called up to be a front line doctor in London. She is going to do this willingly, but Dean is very worried about her safety. It reminded me that so many relatives and friends are worried […]

I Ching Drumming – Revealing the Truth
Well, I am getting brave. My first attempt at a video blog thanks to Dean’s help. Couldn’t have done this without his training. I have been watching Pam Gregory’s recent videos, and what she said, I felt, resonated so much with I Ching. “Essentially, the future is not yet fixed. It’s not yet formed even. […]