Simple Minds Concert 1/4/22

My son Jamie treated me to two VIP tickets to the Simple Minds Concert at the BIC. My niece Karrie from Cornwall came along to accompany me. Having a VIP ticket not only meant that we would get to meet the group before the show and hear the sound checks and get a Goody bag, […]

Winter Solstice Penzance 2021

This is the first time I held my Winter Solstice ceremony in West Cornwall. It was wonderful to spend it with my sister Edwina and my niece Karrie, both had never experienced a Winter Solstice ceremony.  We blessed and welcomed the Yule tree into my little cottage and then blessed the Yule log which was […]

Some Magickal Reflections on 2021

It’s been a few months since I last posted a blog and the Shirley Battie Little Owl Card that presented itself to me yesterday, number 48, has prompted me to start blogging again. It reads “Words, words, words.  Words are powerful but action is more so………. in words consolidate by giving written true examples”. One […]

New Moon morning 11/7/2021

I thought I would share with you some photos of my early morning communing with the Tall Trees at Rhinefield in the New Forest. The trees are fabulous, mighty gallactic beings and it is wonderful to connect with them. I always take my Doreen Virtue fairy cards with me and this one popped out which […]