My son Jamie treated me to two VIP tickets to the Simple Minds Concert at the BIC. My niece Karrie from Cornwall came along to accompany me. Having a VIP ticket not only meant that we would get to meet the group before the show and hear the sound checks and get a Goody bag, […]

Lunch with Shirley Battie /New Moon in Aries 1/4/22
What a fabulous lunch with fabulous friends! This is what memories are made of. And then up early this morning for a wonderful New Moon ceremony being greeted by these beautiful crystals on the hot tub. The photo doesn’t give them justice as they twinkled and glistened in the sun rise. Love and light H

QHHT – The 3 Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth – Physical Affects as the Body Changes Part 1
At the Holistic Fair I attended in February I had a small accident with a beaker of water, which spilt over my stand and, what turned out to be, the last few chapters of Dolores Cannon’s book that was on the table. During meditation I was guided to re-visit those pages and to get the […]

QHHT – Messages from the Super Consciousness (SC) 8/3/22
At the end of a QHHT session with a client I always ask if there is a parting message from the SC that they want to give to the client. At a recent session we were given more than expected. I have permission to put this into a post. H = me and SC = […]

Gong and Piano at the Spire, Poole, 26th March 2022
Hi everyone. At the Lighthouse Holistic Fair this year, I met lots of people who agreed to share any events etc with me and that I would put it into a blog and share with you all. Here is the first one from Karen. “Hi Heather, I hope ur keeping ok and enjoying the lighter […]

Lighthouse Holistic Festival 5-6 February 2022
Well I did it! Exhibiting QHHT for the first time and wow did it take me out of my comfort zone! I couldn’t have done it without the help from my friend Fay. Not to mention Delores looking down on us. We found 2 days quite tiring however it was wonderful to meet so many […]

Happy Lunar New Year
I find this time of year amazing. What a line up. First the New Moon in Aquarius on 1st February, followed by Imbolc on 2nd February and today, the 3rd February, we welcome the year of the Tiger. This year is auspicious for myself and my son Jamie, as we are both Tigers. Today, as […]

Holistic Festival Poole 5-6 February 2022
I am super excited to be hosting a QHHT stand at the Holistic Festival at the Lighthouse in Poole this coming weekend. So if you are coming to the event please come along and see me for a catch up. Blessings H

Winter Solstice Penzance 2021
This is the first time I held my Winter Solstice ceremony in West Cornwall. It was wonderful to spend it with my sister Edwina and my niece Karrie, both had never experienced a Winter Solstice ceremony. We blessed and welcomed the Yule tree into my little cottage and then blessed the Yule log which was […]

Some Magickal Reflections on 2021
It’s been a few months since I last posted a blog and the Shirley Battie Little Owl Card that presented itself to me yesterday, number 48, has prompted me to start blogging again. It reads “Words, words, words. Words are powerful but action is more so………. in words consolidate by giving written true examples”. One […]

Madron Celtic Chapel Cornwall
Here are some photos taken at the Celtic Chapel at Madron which is a spiritual place built on a Pagan site. Completely on our own, in the middle of nowhere, amongst fields and a faery glade.

Madron Holy Well Cornwall
It’s a while since I have contacted the “outside” world, however life has been so hectic this summer, balancing work, a trip to France and my various trips to Cornwall. It is my latest trip to Cornwall that I am writing about. Being one of those people who takes photos rather than being photographed, I […]

Love Being Human – Book Launch 22/7/2021
I am super excited to be hosting the launch of Shirley Battie’s latest book, Love Being Human. As well as meeting Shirley, you will also have the opportunity of getting a signed copy of her latest book. There will also be refreshments. So why not pop in and experience a fabulous afternoon with the world […]

New Moon morning 11/7/2021
I thought I would share with you some photos of my early morning communing with the Tall Trees at Rhinefield in the New Forest. The trees are fabulous, mighty gallactic beings and it is wonderful to connect with them. I always take my Doreen Virtue fairy cards with me and this one popped out which […]

Full Moon in Capricorn 24/6/2021
I completed my Moonology homework this evening by holding a Full Moon Forgiveness and Gratitude Ceremony (with fire pit) I also completed a Full Moon oracle reading on myself and was amazed that “Be Bold and make the first move” has come up twice in a row this week. It’s the second card, which is […]