Morgen La Fey Retreats are held once a month in the beautiful Normandy countryside. Here we explore the source of our personal power, deepen our relationship with Mother Earth and re-learn the old ways lost in time. Working with Morgen La Fey is magical and empowering. She is Queen of the Fae and Healer, being […]
Notes on a Journey
I am passionate about helping other people create their own wellbeing, because when your mind, body and environment you live in are totally in balance, it allows incredible healing possibilities and a feeling of moving forward to take place. Anything is possible.
In this blog I want to use the opportunity to pass on some of the things I have learned and experienced on life’s journey.
Leather Journals
Hello everyone. A big thank you to my friend Laura who recommended Titan Leather on Poole Quay. It has taken me a few Saturdays to find the shop as it is attached to a cafe. I went there on Saturday with the intention of looking for an Amethyst Cathedral but I just wasn’t drawn […]
The Beauty of Amethyst
Life has been really hectic lately and I know many of you are feeling the same. So it was a real pleasure to take a few hours out and to drive to Swanage via Wareham on Saturday. My friend Kirsty had told me that there was a crystal shop in Swanage so the visit was […]
When Wren Shows Up
Two mornings now, before day break, when I have been conducting my Distance Reiki in my cabin, Wren has been singing her beautiful song to me in the Willow tree. It is also a coincidence that she flew into our conservatory one day last week, sat on my Queen of the Night, looked in at […]
11:11 2017 Stargate
Tomorrow is a special day. The 11:11 Stargate portal when energy is amplified, making this a highly magical and auspicious day for us all. And on the Wheel of the Year, it is a time of death, rebirth and transformation. So for me, tomorrow evening, I will be honouring the changes, deaths and rebirths that […]
A Dash of Magic
What could be better than a cup of Witches Brew in a Dash of Magic! Blessed Be
Queen of the Night
I thought I would share with you the last photo I have of my beloved familiar, Rocco, with my Queen of the Night plant . Rocco passed on 31st August 2017 and I miss him terribly. I have done some research on the internet and have found that Queen of the Night is a […]
Full Moon in Aries 5th October 2017
Thursday 5th October 2017 is the first full moon after the Autumn Equinox (Mabon). Usually seen in September, this year it falls in October. This is quite rare as the last time was in 2009 and the next one will be 2020. Referred to as the Harvest Moon, it was traditionally the start of the […]
New website launch
We’re excited to announce that our new and refreshed website is live. The new site includes dropdown menus for both mobile and desktop versions. We’ve also organised the structure of our content, so you’ll get more from a quick read. There’s a whole host of smaller but impactful changes, all to make your experience of […]
Power of the Walnut Tree
In France, we are blessed with the most magnificent Walnut Tree. Sadly over the last 4 years he has not borne many nuts, so last year I decided to do some magic, by working out his vibration and matching it to the vibration of a crystal. I buried the crystals around the Walnut Tree, my […]
Frog Totem Animal
Hi everyone. Yesterday morning as I was about to unlock my cabin for my morning meditation when I found a little frog on my doormat. He didn’t want to move, even when I opened the door. As you know, I take note of the signs and symbols around me and I thought I would […]
Standing Stones in Brittany
At a recent Crone’s Corner with Shamanic Willow, we discussed Standing Stones and Dolmens. Willow said I should do a blog. Well I thought I had completed one before and low and behold over 2 years ago I did post some information on the Dolmen at Les Pierres Plates. Sadly, this was the last holiday […]
Wasp Totem Animal
I had this blog all prepared yesterday, but couldn’t post it because of computer problems. So it is a day late. Apologies. What a beautiful Full Moon in Pisces last night. It certainly lived up to it’s name of Harvest Moon with a beautiful orange glow. I was blessed to see it over the harbour […]
Full Moon in Pisces 6th September 2017
This is my first blog on my new website, so please bear with me as I find my feet. I am still grieving from the loss of my beloved Rocco cat. My emotions at the moment swing from deep sadness to love for our new arrival, another blue burmese, who I have called Lunar (she […]
Sizzling Minerals Diabetes Case Study
This is such a powerful message and I do urge you to pass this on to anyone especially diabetics. I am insulin dependent and also have had two heart attacks. My diabetes wasn’t controlling hence I was under the care of the Diabetic Specialist at our local hospital. In December 2013 I had a cancerous […]