Fabulous energy and fabulous coffee morning with Shirley, Corrine, Karen and Sally. Hope you enjoy the photos. Thank you Shirley for inviting me. You are truly an incredible woman. Love and hugs

Fabulous energy and fabulous coffee morning with Shirley, Corrine, Karen and Sally. Hope you enjoy the photos. Thank you Shirley for inviting me. You are truly an incredible woman. Love and hugs
What a truly fantastic and magical morning this turned out to be. Thank you Shirley for bringing Julie, Sana, Vida and myself together. So much information and so much validation. Thank you ladies. Love and hugs Heather
What a fabulous day we had yesterday at Shirley’s book launch and signing. People were coming and going all afternoon purchasing Shirley’s latest 2 books, Another Step Beyond the Stairs and Spirit Speaks. I don’t know where Shirley gets her energy from but it was really evident in the room. It was buzzing! And our […]
I am hosting another book launch for Shirley Battie at my home on Saturday 14th January, so please do come along and meet this incredible lady and get a signed copy of her latest book Another Step Beyond The Stairs. I look forward to seeing you on Saturday 14th January 2 – 5 pm At […]
Well my lovelies, I am reporting back regarding the fabulous day spent with Rory Duff in Bath, learning to dowse earth energies. I have never visited Bath before and it is an amazing place. I know I always go on about synchronicities and when people tell me more than 3 times about a person. Well […]
Hope you like this link from Sheela. I have also uploaded a lovely photo of Shirley at her latest book launch, which I hosted on 13/8/22. “Check-out our new podcast where we chat with Shirley Battie about Death and Dying – a must listen! Please help to get this message spread by re-posting, following our […]
Thank you to all of you who attended Shirley’s Open House book launch for her new book “Channelling” (available on Amazon). It was such an wonderful afternoon. New friends were made and the energy was incredible. Thank you Shirley. You are an amazing woman and we are all looking forward to the launch of your […]
Do put this event in your diary and get the opportunity of meeting the author in person. DO NOT MISS THIS AMAZING EVENT AN OPPORTUNITY TO MEET THE AUTHOR AND GET A SIGNED COPY OF HER LATEST BOOK Learn how to channel by reading this book which teaches you step by step About the author […]
H Shirley was saying who or what is she as a Soul as Shirley and what is her connection with Setchem? Because he said they were connected in Genesis. O They were connected before Genesis. H So where were they connected before? O They were not connected on planet Earth. They were connected – we […]
H So what you are saying is that Shirley’s purpose is to keep writing? Her purpose is to write down for future generations? O From our view point, yes. We stress that, because we do not wish to impose our right, rather we do not wish to impose on Shirley’s rights to make a choice. […]
H Now you mentioned that our satellites won’t survive the future. What do you mean by that? Can you say what’s going to happen? Is that appropriate? O There will be big changes shall we say. That will knock – have to be careful how much we tell you – there will be changes that […]
As many of you will know, Shirley is not well. Last year, I was honoured to be Shirley’s guide in a QHHT session. It was an absolutely amazing experience and something I will never forget. I have made a promise to Shirley that I will share the connection made with her Super Conscious and here […]
What an amazing and powerful workshop I attended with Shirley Battie. Shirley is amazing and even with her illness, she is going to publish another book around July. The group were incredible and so much information was channelled through. Many of us stepped out of our comfort zone, including myself, having never channelled light language […]
What a fabulous lunch with fabulous friends! This is what memories are made of. And then up early this morning for a wonderful New Moon ceremony being greeted by these beautiful crystals on the hot tub. The photo doesn’t give them justice as they twinkled and glistened in the sun rise. Love and light H
It’s been a few months since I last posted a blog and the Shirley Battie Little Owl Card that presented itself to me yesterday, number 48, has prompted me to start blogging again. It reads “Words, words, words. Words are powerful but action is more so………. in words consolidate by giving written true examples”. One […]