Queen of the Night 14/6/2021

My Queen of the Night never ceases to amaze me. Her first bloom last night 13/6/2021. And whilst I am writing this blog, another batch are flowering this evening 14/6/2021.  Must be all that photon energy that is pouring through to Mother Earth. Hope you enjoy the photos. Love and hugs

Knowlton 13/6/21

7 am this morning, and Knowlton Church all to myself. The sun was shining, the birds singing and the crows calling. Who could wish for anything more. This was my first visit to this place, but when I entered the sacred space, it felt like I had been there before. Intuitively, I took my shoes […]

Spike in Schumann Resonance

It has been reported recently that there are high spikes in the Schumann resonance and I was wondering what affect this would have on us.  (You know me. I am curious!) So I researched the internet and came across an article by Dr Joe Dispenza. This is part of it: ” It has long been […]

Super Full Moon 28/3/2021

I would like to share with you, some information from the book Moonology by Yasmin Boland. It is a really good read. Synchronicity again, because I had such an emotional channelling yesterday, and then when I read the chapter on the Full Moon in Yasmin’s book, everything fell into place. I won’t go into detail […]

Positive thoughts

In this excerpt of Convoluted Universe I, Dolores Cannon talks with the Super Conscious about the power of positive thought. D I’ve been taught that thoughts are very powerful and they can accomplish what you want. SC Yes they can.  And that’s why you must be careful about negative thoughts because they are powerful too.  […]

Imbolc 2021

I have been meaning to put a blog out for about a week now, as I noticed the energies had changed. Snowdrops were starting to peep through and the blackbirds were starting to sing in the early morning.  It seemed that Morgen Tyronoe blasted through with that storm last week, allowing Morgen Thitis to come […]

New Supermoon 15/11/2020

We are in the middle of November already. Where has the year gone? It’s another Super Moon at 5.09 am on the 15th UK. The third in a row and the time to set your new intentions. I have been listening to Pam Gregory, our local astrologer who speaks of energy quickening, strong emotions, downloads […]

Morgan Mazoe – 24/10/2020

I really felt Mazoe had come in this morning and wow, what an entrance. I hope you enjoy the photo of her altar ready for Samhain. I also took this video of the cabin, prepared ready for my Reiki student. We certainly felt safe and snug while the wind and rain raged outside. https://res.cloudinary.com/dyznfqowe/video/upload/v1603561143/VID-20201024-WA0003_wltdtz.mp4