What a truly fantastic and magical morning this turned out to be. Thank you Shirley for bringing Julie, Sana, Vida and myself together. So much information and so much validation. Thank you ladies. Love and hugs Heather

What a truly fantastic and magical morning this turned out to be. Thank you Shirley for bringing Julie, Sana, Vida and myself together. So much information and so much validation. Thank you ladies. Love and hugs Heather
What a fabulous day we had yesterday at Shirley’s book launch and signing. People were coming and going all afternoon purchasing Shirley’s latest 2 books, Another Step Beyond the Stairs and Spirit Speaks. I don’t know where Shirley gets her energy from but it was really evident in the room. It was buzzing! And our […]
I am hosting another book launch for Shirley Battie at my home on Saturday 14th January, so please do come along and meet this incredible lady and get a signed copy of her latest book Another Step Beyond The Stairs. I look forward to seeing you on Saturday 14th January 2 – 5 pm At […]
Hi everyone. At the Lighthouse Holistic Fair this year, I met lots of people who agreed to share any events etc with me and that I would put it into a blog and share with you all. Here is the first one from Karen. “Hi Heather, I hope ur keeping ok and enjoying the lighter […]
Many thanks to neighbours Alan and Jean for putting together the improptu VE street gathering yesterday. The bunting was fabulous and the music was great. Well done. Here is a short video that I took. VE Day video
Happy Birthday Bubbles. 8 today! Thought I would share a couple of photos with you all that I took about 6.30 am this morning. She just looked so sweet in amongst the wild garlic and honesty. When we were given Bubbles, we were told by the breeder that she had a “dicky ticker” and that […]
Well, Luna was 3 years old yesterday and I managed to get a couple of shots of her actually cuddling Bubbles. It didn’t last long as her licking turned into a bite for poor Bubbles, which ended up with Bubbles jumping off of Jamie’s bed. So Luna got the bed all to herself! I think […]
First of all, Beltane Blessings to all of you. A really mixed bag so far. The wind has changed to the North West here at the moment, and walking back home I was drenched by a thunder storm with hail stones! Had to completely change my clothes when I got home. Walking home I thought […]
Thought I would share with you the power of nature. I have taken advantage of the new moon energy and on Saturday 25th I planted some more radish seeds. This is a photo of the seeds three days later on 28th. See how they are pushing the soil up, literally erupting. What power! And this […]
An amazing thing happened on Saturday morning. I went into the conservatory to find a blue tit flying around. I obviously helped him out of the door. This morning, whilst reciting my positive affirmations, a blue tit landed on the railing of my bedroom balcony. About half an hour later, I am in my office […]
When I keep being given a sign I start to take notice. I was one of the many who probably woke up in the early hours of 8/4/2020 to watch the Super Moon in all her glory. I was blessed to receive many messages, one being the pentagram within the clouds. Well that is the […]
My dear friend Susan shared with me, a You Tube link from Thomas Sheridan. She said please can you send some healing to Ian R Crane. In the video, Thomas asks all healers out there if they would send healing to Ian as he is very ill. Well when you get a plea like that, […]
Well I am just overwhelmed by the kindness I have received. I suspect the 6 eggs came from Danny Hart (seems to fit the description Jamie gave me). How he knew that I had no eggs and the Co Op had no eggs, I don’t know. But my heartfelt thanks Danny for your kind gift. […]
Apart from painting the boat and doing some transplanting of seedlings, I thought I would make a pudding. So I changed my “Afrikaans apple pie” recipe into an “Afrikaans lemon pie”. If it works out ok I will make another one when Paul comes over for the Easter Egg hunt (yes my 51 year old […]
Well I must say this is my first Good Friday in lockdown. Blue sky. And what beautiful temperatures to have my self imposed Retreat! And I have been so busy since last Sunday, just like the bumble bees. And that’s not just the dreams I have been having with the super energies that have been […]