Positive thoughts

In this excerpt of Convoluted Universe I, Dolores Cannon talks with the Super Conscious about the power of positive thought. D I’ve been taught that thoughts are very powerful and they can accomplish what you want. SC Yes they can.  And that’s why you must be careful about negative thoughts because they are powerful too.  […]

Imbolc 2021

I have been meaning to put a blog out for about a week now, as I noticed the energies had changed. Snowdrops were starting to peep through and the blackbirds were starting to sing in the early morning.  It seemed that Morgen Tyronoe blasted through with that storm last week, allowing Morgen Thitis to come […]

Sunrise 1/12/2020

Just had to share this beautiful sunrise which greeted me after completing distance Reiki for my two friends Pat and Gemma. I am truly blessed to have Mother Nature surrounding me in my healing cabin. Mother Earth in all her glory.

New Supermoon 15/11/2020

We are in the middle of November already. Where has the year gone? It’s another Super Moon at 5.09 am on the 15th UK. The third in a row and the time to set your new intentions. I have been listening to Pam Gregory, our local astrologer who speaks of energy quickening, strong emotions, downloads […]

Morgan Mazoe – 24/10/2020

I really felt Mazoe had come in this morning and wow, what an entrance. I hope you enjoy the photo of her altar ready for Samhain. I also took this video of the cabin, prepared ready for my Reiki student. We certainly felt safe and snug while the wind and rain raged outside. https://res.cloudinary.com/dyznfqowe/video/upload/v1603561143/VID-20201024-WA0003_wltdtz.mp4

Seasonal Nature Journal – July 2020

I will be taking photos in France this month and they will form part of my next blog. In the meantime, I thought I would share with you this photo of a gorgeous beetle. I found it on the Buddleia in my garden and watched as it burrowed it’s way into the flower to hide […]

In Memory of Christina

Mother Nature never ceases to amaze me. I have an absolute abundance of Queen of the Night buds at the moment.  Sadly I lost 22 that decided not to come into this realm. But I cannot count how many are actually going to flower. It’s unbelievable! Many of you may know that Christiana (Floss) – […]

Seasonal Nature Journal – June 2020

As I write this month’s journal, the weather has really changed. The temperature has dropped and its very windy outside. But inside there is a lot of activity. My Queen of the Night has shifted from sprouting new leaves to forming flower buds. It always amazes me how they grow to form the beautiful flower […]

Butterfly Magic

Lovely Zoe, I thought this blog might interest you as you are our butterfly lady! Last week I actually had my phone by my side whilst reading a Delores Cannon book and one of my little pale purple butterflies decided to fly around the bush next to me. Great! A photo at last, which actually […]

Lock Down Haircut No. 2

Well, Paul, my eldest son, was so impressed with his brother’s haircut that he asked me to cut his. Paul managed to snatch a couple of hours away from nursing his partner Christina (her sister came to sit with her as she cannot be left on her own) for me to do the deed. Jamie, […]

Lock Down Haircut

My first attempt at cutting my youngest son, Jamie’s, hair. He seems very pleased with my effort. Amazing that doing something like that, brought back memories of me cutting Den’s hair years ago – when going to the hairdresser was something we could not afford.