New Podcast with Shirley Battie

Hope you like this link from Sheela.  I have also uploaded a lovely photo of Shirley at her latest book launch, which I hosted on 13/8/22. “Check-out our new podcast where we chat with Shirley Battie about Death and Dying – a must listen! Please help to get this message spread by re-posting, following our […]

Shirley Battie’s Book Launch 13/8/22

Thank you to all of you who attended Shirley’s Open House book launch for her new book “Channelling” (available on Amazon). It was such an wonderful afternoon.  New friends were made and the energy was incredible.  Thank you Shirley.  You are an amazing woman and we are all looking forward to the launch of your […]

Supermoon Full Moon 13/7/22

What a powerful moon we have this evening. A wonderful Supermoon! And just like magic, my exotic plants are luxuriating outside in the Supermoon energy.  I have never had a Queen of the Night bloom on a Supermoon and never outside in the garden, which is where she is this year. And to add to […]

Upcoming Sound Journey Events with Alexander

Here are the links to Alexanders forthcoming events.  If he is in your neighbourhood, I would highly recommend attending one of his events.  He is amazing. 19th June Warrington, Liverpoole 20th till 24th June Northallerton, Middlesbrough 26th A walk in nature with followers in Sheffield. Contact Alexander for details. 27th June St Johns, […]

Manifest your magic podcast

Here are the latest podcasts from Sheela Hagan. “Hi All, Please forgive yet another email, as you may know I’ve been banned from FB, so this is my only way of contact! I wanted to give you the links for our new  podcasts – released today! Hello everyone! A new podcast is released […]

Militaria Auction 14/5/22

It’s taken me over 3 years to pluck up the courage to sell my late husband’s militaria collection. Julian at Dukes Auctioneers in Dorchester has been so helpful and will be auctioning all of Den’s collection at the Militaria Auction at Bovington Tank Museum at 11 am on Saturday 14th May. In amongst the many […]