Now is the time to burn your old Brigit’s Cross and replace it with a new one, strategically placed by your front door. I have a selection of Brigit’s Crosses for those who don’t know how to make them. In the photo, the top two are made with Heather foraged from the Apollo line at […]
Happy Lunar New Year
I find this time of year amazing. What a line up. First the New Moon in Aquarius on 1st February, followed by Imbolc on 2nd February and today, the 3rd February, we welcome the year of the Tiger. This year is auspicious for myself and my son Jamie, as we are both Tigers. Today, as […]
Imbolc 2021
I have been meaning to put a blog out for about a week now, as I noticed the energies had changed. Snowdrops were starting to peep through and the blackbirds were starting to sing in the early morning. It seemed that Morgen Tyronoe blasted through with that storm last week, allowing Morgen Thitis to come […]
Imbolc Blessings – 1 February 2020
I wish you all Imbolc Blessings and look forward to our Ceremony this evening. For those of you who can’t make it tonight, and who have one of my Brigid’s crosses, please remember to take down and burn your old cross tonight, as it has been protecting you throughout the year, collecting negativity that may […]
Bridgits Cross – The Morgens
I have really been battling with the recent WordPress changes and Spencer managed to upload photos for me and to publish my Imbolc blog. I wanted to add some narrative to the photos and have now managed to master the WordPress upgrades. So here goes. The crosses are available for £5 each and I will […]
Bridgits cross – The Crystal collection
Have you noticed that the energies have changed over the past week or so and there are small signs like snowdrops pushing through Mother Earth which really bring joy to the soul. And to have my swans visit again this year was the nudge I needed to change my altar to Morgen Thitis and to […]