Lovely Zoe, I thought this blog might interest you as you are our butterfly lady! Last week I actually had my phone by my side whilst reading a Delores Cannon book and one of my little pale purple butterflies decided to fly around the bush next to me. Great! A photo at last, which actually […]
Month: May 2020

Lock Down Haircut No. 2
Well, Paul, my eldest son, was so impressed with his brother’s haircut that he asked me to cut his. Paul managed to snatch a couple of hours away from nursing his partner Christina (her sister came to sit with her as she cannot be left on her own) for me to do the deed. Jamie, […]

Lock Down Haircut
My first attempt at cutting my youngest son, Jamie’s, hair. He seems very pleased with my effort. Amazing that doing something like that, brought back memories of me cutting Den’s hair years ago – when going to the hairdresser was something we could not afford.
A Summary of an interview with Dr Zach Bush, MD
When I listened to the last 10 minutes of this interview, it brought me to tears. I have summarised the important bits, as they apply to me. I have posted below, the link to the full interview. This is just the summary in Zach’s words. “If there are crimes against humanity being exercised right now. […]
VE Day Woodlands Avenue 9 May 2020
Many thanks to neighbours Alan and Jean for putting together the improptu VE street gathering yesterday. The bunting was fabulous and the music was great. Well done. Here is a short video that I took. VE Day video

Birthday Girl Bubbles – 7/5/2020
Happy Birthday Bubbles. 8 today! Thought I would share a couple of photos with you all that I took about 6.30 am this morning. She just looked so sweet in amongst the wild garlic and honesty. When we were given Bubbles, we were told by the breeder that she had a “dicky ticker” and that […]

Luna’s birthday – 4/5/2020
Well, Luna was 3 years old yesterday and I managed to get a couple of shots of her actually cuddling Bubbles. It didn’t last long as her licking turned into a bite for poor Bubbles, which ended up with Bubbles jumping off of Jamie’s bed. So Luna got the bed all to herself! I think […]

Seasonal Nature Journal – May 2020
All is busy, busy, busy out in nature. And the recent rain has washed the trees and shrubs down so they are in prestine colour. So a quick tour of the garden for the Journal. The cover photo is Hawthorn Woman. I thought it looked like a ready made posy. Clematis Montana Honesty and Wild […]

A little bit of Magic 1/5/2020
First of all, Beltane Blessings to all of you. A really mixed bag so far. The wind has changed to the North West here at the moment, and walking back home I was drenched by a thunder storm with hail stones! Had to completely change my clothes when I got home. Walking home I thought […]