Lovely Zoe, I thought this blog might interest you as you are our butterfly lady! Last week I actually had my phone by my side whilst reading a Delores Cannon book and one of my little pale purple butterflies decided to fly around the bush next to me. Great! A photo at last, which actually […]

Shirley Battie – Calling Earth II Book Launch
Thank you so much Shirley for allowing me to host the launch of your latest book Calling Earth II. It was such an honour and I know all of us who attended benefited from your wise words. There was so much energy and so many questions with people coming as far afield as London to […]

Blue Moon 31st March 2018
March gives us two full moons and this one tonight is called a Blue Moon. I thought I would do some research on the internet and low and behold we have Mercury in retrograde. Mercury is all about communication and as my friend Susan Bladon will know, has special significance for me. The internet tells […]