Here are the latest podcasts from Sheela Hagan. “Hi All, Please forgive yet another email, as you may know I’ve been banned from FB, so this is my only way of contact! I wanted to give you the links for our new podcasts – released today! Hello everyone! A new podcast is released […]
Month: May 2022

Militaria Auction 14/5/22
It’s taken me over 3 years to pluck up the courage to sell my late husband’s militaria collection. Julian at Dukes Auctioneers in Dorchester has been so helpful and will be auctioning all of Den’s collection at the Militaria Auction at Bovington Tank Museum at 11 am on Saturday 14th May. In amongst the many […]

Shirley Battie’s Channelling Workshop – 1/5/2022
What an amazing and powerful workshop I attended with Shirley Battie. Shirley is amazing and even with her illness, she is going to publish another book around July. The group were incredible and so much information was channelled through. Many of us stepped out of our comfort zone, including myself, having never channelled light language […]
Sheela Hagan – Creating Happiness podcast
Thought you might be interested in linking in with Sheela’s podcast. She has asked me to share it via my contacts as apparently she has been banned from facebook. I can’t log into it as I don’t do Facebook anymore. Enjoy. Manifest Your Magic 1-2-1 or group sessions available Tel: +44(0)1202 515899 Cell: […]