Alexander Fioravante has just contacted me about some amazing work he is doing with animals and sound healing. If you are interested in this sort of thing, then do click on the link that Alexander has sent me to learn more about his work with sounds and animals. Blessings Check out the story of Talula […]
Alexander Fioravante

Upcoming Sound Journey Events with Alexander
Here are the links to Alexanders forthcoming events. If he is in your neighbourhood, I would highly recommend attending one of his events. He is amazing. 19th June Warrington, Liverpoole 20th till 24th June Northallerton, Middlesbrough 26th A walk in nature with followers in Sheffield. Contact Alexander for details. 27th June St Johns, […]

Sound Journey 29/5/22 – Sheffield
I am posting this blog a little early as I am away in France during May. So for all those people who live around the Sheffield area, Alexander Fioravante is holding a Sound Journey at the Memorial Hall, 49 Towngate Road, Worrall, Sheffield, S35 0AR. It’s being held between on 29/5/22 at 15.00 and ends […]