My Wild Flower Meadow Journal – October 2019

Nature is at the seat of the soul. How true those words are.  I have been inspired by several people to create one of my dreams – my wildflower garden.  Alla Melnychuk channelled a message that I will be working with the bees and Sally Morningstar has inspired me to create a journal. My niece Karrie has given me the location – Den’s meadow, where he had a dream to build a swimming pool which is now going to be the location of my wildflower meadow. My son’s friend Dean prepared the area (under the instructions of Karrie). On my last visit to France we mowed the meadow, cut a pathway around and across and aerated the soil.  Finally, I spread (by hand) the autumn sowing seeds which hopefully will spring forth next year. The plan is to sow some more seeds in the spring.  I know I must be patient and it may take several years until my dream comes into fruition, but I am visualising it and intending it, so it will happen. And what a dining area it will be for the bees and butterflies and all the other insects.  I can’t wait!

So here are some photos to document the foundations. Progress will be slow, nothing will happen overnight, so we will all have to be patient for the next set of photos.

The pathway through the meadow

Nerine and other bulbs under the Foxglove tree. Karrie has given me English Bluebell seeds, which will be planted next visit under this tree.

This shot showing the meadow pathway with the Tulip tree in her autumn glory and the house just peeping through.

Samhain blessings to you all