Love, Peace & Happiness 2019

What an amazing Forgiveness ceremony we had last night and many thanks to those of you who joined me. I feel we all experienced some release in one way or another.

I also received some amazing words from Fay, who joined me on my Morgen La Fey Retreat in February 2018. Fay tells me that the words have been adjusted slightly from the original by Fiona MacLeod titled Deep Peace. The photo is of Fay at the top of Hill 314 in Mortain, which was the scene of fierce fighting in August 1944 during the German Counter Attack. Many Americans and Germans lost their lives. We were blessed with beautiful weather that day and could just see Mont St Michel in the distance behind Fay. Here are her words:

Deep peace pure blue of the sky to you

Deep peace of the running wave to you

Deep peace of the flowing air to you

Deep peace pure white of the moon to you

Deep peace of the shining stars to you

Deep peace of the quiet earth to you

Thank you Fay, Blessed Be