It is amazing how suddenly everything in the garden seems to push forward with the New Moon energy. Although it’s 5/5/19 today, I will be outside in the garden this evening to celebrate the New Moon and take note of her energy, as this is part of my course work that I need to do this month.
Now that my computer is back home, I can post the photos that I took last week especially of the slow worm, who came out of hibernation to warm up in the sunshine. We made sure the cats were locked up indoors!

My first rose of the season is in bloom, alongside Hawthorn Woman and Oak Woman.

I am resting today, after a long but rewarding day attending the Sound Healing Workshop run by Anetta Panczel. I am now certified to work with Intention, Drums, Singing Bowls and Gongs. It was a very emotional day for all of us who attended, me included, as it was a year yesterday that Den had his second heart attack and the start of his fateful journey of cancer and then passing in February this year. I was blessed to receive a Gong Bath as part of the training which brought back, like a movie, all the emotions of the last year.
Blessed Be