I have been researching the internet to find some information to share with you on tomorrow’s New Moon in Gemini which is ruled by Mercury. But before I do, 2019 is a year of renewal. Of completely transforming your identity, moving into more of what your soul’s calling is. And June is the month to make those choices to become that person.
June is also a pivotal month to prepare you for the incredible changes that are going to be transpiring during the Eclipse in July with Mercury in retrograde (more of this in another post).
We also have the Universal Energy of 9 this month which is associated with the Hermit. It’s about taking time to tune into yourself, your inner voice, what’s right for you. Gemini’s higher lesson is about choices. You have lots of choices to make this month. You can choose to carry on doing things the way you always have or you can choose to find new ways of being.
So this New Moon is a wonderful time to make those choices and to set your intentions about the new ways of being that you want to create for yourself. So, take stock and think about what you want to become (writing a list helps). Be honest with yourself about where you are now and how you might be keeping yourself in some of your old patterns. And then embody that new way of being, bringing it from Spirit into the physical world in ways that represent who you are becoming rather than who you have been.
And for those of you who have Manifestation Grids, don’t forget to cleanse your crystals and put them out in the powerful New Moon energy.
I will be using the Power of the Drum to welcome the New Moon and you are more than welcome to join me and to drum our new way of being into the physical world.
Blessed Be