What a fabulous evening celebrating Lions Gate and connecting with Morgen Glitonea, Sirius and Bear. In spite of the very strong winds, our Willow trees gave us shelter and the fire was contained in my fire pit drum rather than a fire pit. We did hear sirens but sadly, no firemen this time.
The swans came to visit, the water elementals and fish came to visit and then just when Cheryl was receiving her drum healing a whole host of swallows descended on us, flying just above our heads. The moon shone brightly – what a truly magical evening. And then if it couldn’t get any better,
two of my Queen of the Night came into bloom for all of us to enjoy.
Niko (Mike’s doggy) was so confident – so improved from the last time I saw him at the 5G event. For those who don’t know, Niko was locked up in a cage for 3 years until Mike gave him a home.
Alla’s daughter left me some art work on my Morgen La Fey cushion. Thank you.
And this morning when I went down to empty the fire pit drum, what was sitting on the mooring rope – a Kingfisher! Truly magical energies at the moment. Thank you, thank you, thank you Mother Earth.