This week I inadvertantly disturbed a Bumble Bee nest. I was weeding in my garden (which I haven’t for some time as I have been either visiting or nursing Den) and realised that I was upsetting some Bumble Bees who were buzzing around me. I have since found out that Bumble Bees nest in the ground in quiet, weedy areas. I was mortified, as Bumble Bees along with Honey Bees are in decline. How could I have done such an awful thing. I researched the web and it said that Bumbles Bees do not like their nests to be disturbed and will probably abandon them. Oh Goddess what had I done!
Then I remembered that I had recently started re-reading a book by Judy Hall called Earth Blessings. It is all about Earth Healing and one part focuses on Bumble Bees. I didn’t follow all that Judy had suggested because I didn’t have a Brandenberg Crystal but I did have some Bumble Bee Jasper which I just love. So I got a photo of a Bumble Bee, put it outside where the nest had been and completed a grid of Bumble Bee Jasper on each corner, with Rose Quartz in the centre for healing the Bumble Bee nest that had been disturbed.
I am thrilled and relieved to say that the Bumble Bees have resumed their coming and going from their nest, so it is not abandoned. Thank Goddess! Earth Healing does work and I will start to continue this pathway on a wider scale as I start to collect my crystals for my Earth Healing Tool Kit.
I tried to take photos of the Bumble Bees tooing and frowing from the nest but they are soooo fast. If you look to the top right of this photo you will see I have just caught one flying out of the nest.
Blessed Be.