Year of the Yin Wood Snake & Cape Cornwall 4/2/2025

First of all Happy New Year especially for those born in the year of the Yin Wood Snake.  I celebrated by taking myself on the Number 17 bus from Penzance to St Just and walking from there to Cape Cornwall. It is so easy to find. I got off the bus at the St Just bus station and walked up to the square, past the Co-Op and there is the Cape Cornwall Road. You just follow that to the end.

The only downside, was the weather wasn’t as forecasted and I got completely drenched by what appeared to be a south westerly. A far cry from the lyrics from the Fisherman’s Friends song Cornwall My Home “I stood on Cape Cornwall in the sun’s evening glow”.

If you venture by car, there is a car park but there are charges.

When you get to the end of the road there is a gate, but there is a walkway to the left hand side which leads you to a pathway with a National Trust sign. You are given the option of the easy route or the harder route up.

Although I was soaked (even though I had waterproofs on), the view from the top was fabulous.

The waves were crashing over some rocks, which according to my OS map are the Brisons.

And the sea was wild to the left towards Lands End and to the right towards South Zawn.

The chimney stack on the featured image dates back to 1894 when Cape Cornwall mine was in operation.

Then the walk back to St Just and time enough to eat a pasty before the Number 17 arrived. Then the bus back to a nice hot bath!

Well the walk certainly blew the cobwebs out.  Lets hope it managed to get rid of my lingering cough.


“Find what you love and love what you find”