In Search of the Menhir Tregonebris

The Mehir Tregonebris, often known as the Blind Fiddler, stands over 3 metres high with 4 ft below the surface. It is easy to find if you follow the A30 towards Lands End, past Catchall, there is a layby on your left and the entrance to the field is on the opposite side of the road.

You have to traverse a stile and then the menhir is to your right.

You cannot miss it. As with so many sites I have visited (and Elfi you will appreciate this!)  there are often a host of snails.  And this Menhir was no exception.

Some say this was a burial place.  Personally,  it speaks of a marker stone, showing the way. In any event, for me, the energy was so feminine. Truly peaceful, with a beautiful day and not a soul about.


“Find what you love and love what you find”