In Search of Brent Tor 9/8/24

I have been house sitting in Lostwithiel, so I thought I would make the most of these few days to explore the megalithic sites in the area and Brent Tor has been on my bucket list for some time.

Unlike many other sites, this one is easy to find. However, you can easily miss the car park sign which is on the other side of the road to the Tor.

Approaching the Tor, reminded me of approaching the Tor at Glastonbury. Such an impressive sight.

After parking the car, you cross the road and enter the area through a gate.  The approach is quite steep, so wear walking boots and appropriate clothing.  But once you get to the top, the views are stunning.

I noticed inside hymn number 888. Synchronicity, as the day before was Lions Gate 8/8/2024.

I ventured down below the Tor, eager to find the Mary and Michael Node that Hamish Miller had found.  It is not in the church. It meant walking through a farmers field (but the gate was open). The dowsing rod led me to the Node.  On the way I passed a beautiful wooded glade.  It felt very fae!

I was so pleased to have found the Node. You can see the photo taken of Hamish Miller at the spot and then a photo of me at the Node and one without. I spent quite some time there, alone, in solitude. It was amazing.

Before leaving, I was given that the Node had expanded since 1987.

Blessed be