In Search of Boscawen Un Stone Circle 22/2/25

I wasn’t intending to visit this Sacred Site on this trip,  but after finding the Tregonebris Menhir, I literally stumbled across it.  Still on the A30 heading towards Lands End.   I was looking for a place to turn my car around, decided to pull over in a layby to let a convoy of traffic pass me and low and behold, it was the layby for the Stone Circle! Synchronicity.

Opposite the layby is an advertising sign.

Once inside, there are no markers to find the circle, as is often the case. You either use your dowsing rod or your intuition. The track ahead is free from brambles and to your right is a small standing stone.

After a short while, you will come to a fork.  Take the path to the right.

Then a little further on you come to another fork.  Take the path to the left.

You will then see a huge log in front of a gate.  Bear to the left and at this stage you will see a glimpse of the stone circle.

You will need to traverse a stone stile and already you will start to feel the energy of this place.

And there the circle is, in all its beauty.

I haven’t come across many circles with a central stone, but this circle has one. I was drawn to one particular stone which had masses of quartz in it which twinkled in the sunlight.  It seemed to be opposite, what could possibly be the entrance stones?

Another peaceful place, not a soul around and with such feminine energy and a place to feed the hum.

On my way back, I was surprised to see a rocky outcrop in the distance, which was not visible on my way to the circle. It’s amazing what you can see, from a different point of view.

At the top, turn left and on your left is a small trail.  Be careful.  There are brambles.

The view was stunning.  The rock also contained a pool of water.

I am not very good at selfies but you can see from the photo, that the pool had a bit of depth to it, which enabled me to collect a little water for my essences.

What a fabulous day.


“Find what you love and love what you find”