Bringing home the Yule-tide tree

Shopping this morning, I noticed that Asda have just had their first delivery of  potted Christmas Trees so I bought the one that called out to me. I have been very lucky so far with my potted Christmas Trees from Asda. Each one is growing well. This year’s tree is in the back garden now, unwrapped and well watered, waiting for the Winter Solstice, when I shall bring him into the home with full ritual and ceremony. After the Yule-tide festivities, he will be taken out to France and planted at the lake alongside his cousins.

Yule trees are associated with Mars, Air and Fire and of course Crow! They symbolise abundance, health, fortune and love. One of their deities is Merlin. They are truly magical trees.

Sit under a fir tree and meditate to renew your energy (I think I need to do that as I am feeling quite tired lately).


Blessed Be