Silver Leaf Jasper

Like Ruby in Zoisite, I was unable to trace a bracelet on the internet, so I made one for myself (in fact enough for two).  Silver Leaf Jasper was part of my 2019 Feng Shui cures and I was really attracted to its earthy appearance. Recently, I have been connecting with Goddess of the Wildwood and bought a wall hanging of her made by Wendy Andrews. Synchronicity again. What is she pictured wearing? Two Silver Leaf Jasper bracelets. So here is some information on this beautiful crystal, courtesy of the internet.

“Silver Leaf Jasper is an excellent protection stone, providing protection for both travellers and astral travellers. Silver Leaf Jasper is also a grounding stone, and is especially useful in healing. Silver Leaf Jasper acts as an energetic tonic for anyone recovering from long term illness and boosts the immune system. Silver Leaf Jasper assists the body to restore cellular tissue.
Jasper unifies all aspects of your life, reminding people to help each other. It absorbs negative energy, balances yin/yang, aligns body, mind, spirit, useful for shamanic travel. These stones also aid quick thinking and will re-energize you after recovering from illness. Jasper comes in many different colours, but all are useful for grounding subtle energy that will translate into action in the world.
These stones are able to support you during times of stress by providing tranquillity. Jasper reminds people that we are all here to help one another. It provides protection and grounding energy for your physical body.”

Keep well, keep safe. Blessed Be